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Today I have a quick tip you.<\/p>\n

This is the time of year people set resolutions and feel extra motivated both in their personal lives and their business lives. Too often marketers, we set resolutions too.<\/p>\n

We promise we are going to really dig into and commit to our new marketin efforts (e.g., content marketing, digital marketing and inbound marketing). We have great enthusiasm and intention, but then after a week or so, we get distracted. Life happens. We don’t see results as fast as we’d like or we have other obligations that distract them.<\/p>\n

Or, maybe, just maybe if you’re like me, you don’t feel like you can do things perfectly, so you stop because you aren’t doing it “right”.<\/p>\n

My advice to you is simple:<\/p>\n


One of THE most important keys to being successful in marketing and in most anything is to keep moving forward. One of my mentors,\u00a0Frank McKinney<\/a>, runs the\u00a0Badwater Ultra Marathon<\/a>\u00a0every year. It’s considered the toughest running race in the world. It’s a 135 mile race that starts in Death Valley, in summer. Yes, it’s crazy.<\/p>\n

Once I asked Frank how on earth he could possibly complete this race in 48 hours. I wanted to know how he kept himself going for that long? I wanted to know what does he say to himself when you are tired, dishearted and just wants to stop?<\/p>\n

Frank offered a very simple, but very powerful answer. A lot of it comes down to what he says to himself.<\/p>\n

He continued, “I repeat a simple mantra to myself.”<\/p>\n

Of course I had to ask him, what do you say to yourself to keep focused and going in such an incredibly tough race. And he simply said, “I repeat over and over — relentless forward motion. No matter how small the step, if I keep moving forward and I’ll hit my goal”.<\/p>\n

The same applies to marketing (and to life).<\/p>\n

WHEN IS 2 GREATER THAN 4?<\/strong><\/p>\n

So we know to keep moving forward. But how often do we need to take our small marketing steps?<\/p>\n

Let me ask you a quick question. If you wanted to truly get fit and healthy, which one would you recommend doing:<\/p>\n