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I\u2019m often asked by clients, workshop attendees and students about the business revolution taking place today. They want to know how social media, mobile devices and widely available high-speed Internet access is dramatically shifting the business of buying and selling. Why do they ask? Are they curious? Nope. They\u2019re lost. Most of my business clients are either nervous, scared and\/or terrified of this change. They feel like today\u2019s customers have too much power in the marketplace. They feel like they have to be overly reactionary to customers and potential customers. They feel like they are forced to monitor their digital channels all the time. And they don\u2019t know how to react.<\/p>\n

Sadly, many wish for the good ol\u2019 days of having all the control, of talking at their markets. But the reality is, not only were the good ol\u2019 days not so good (I\u2019ll explain later), but they weren\u2019t the way marketplaces had worked for very long.<\/p>\n



For most of the 20th century, marketing became a way to share your message with a lot of people at one time. With the advent of mass media tools such as radio and television, marketers spent considerable time and effort creating advertisements for radio, TV, print, etc. and paid a large chunk of money to have it sent out. Then, you hoped potential customers would pay attention and buy your product or services.<\/p>\n

Things were pretty easy. Your audiences couldn\u2019t speak to you. You had a megaphone. You blasted your messages out and customers could only listen. Sure, if they had a concern, a compliment, or feedback about your product, they could fill out a complaint card, write a letter or call a customer service number (if they were lucky enough to find a number). But nobody else heard the complaints because they didn\u2019t have a way to share their experiences with the masses.<\/p>\n


Before mass marketing was an option, people did business in local marketplaces. As Mark Schaefer<\/a> points out, these had been around for almost 1,000 years. They had some key attributes marketers should be aware of (because they sound very similar to the market we see today). These marketplaces were:<\/p>\n