Day 5: Why You Need to Use Video For Marketing Your Business

Home / 30 Day Video Challenge / Day 5: Why You Need to Use Video For Marketing Your Business

Why use video for your business marketing? Great question!

Probably the biggest reason is people LOVE and consume video content in large amounts every day.

The average American adult spends 1 hour and 16 minutes consuming video content daily. That number is up from 21 minutes only 4 years ago.

Also consider these 15 quick facts about why video should be part of your marketing mix:

  1. YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world.
  2. YouTube is the third most used website.
  3. YouTube is owned by Google and having content on YouTube increases your Google Ranking?
  4. 60% of all views generated on YouTube are search-driven. This means, viewers are actively SEARCHING for answers to their questions in video-form! And they choose the videos at the TOP of search result, just like the do when the choose search results at the top of a Google Search.
  5. Facebook has made a big push into promoting videos on their platform and over 4 Billion (yes Billion) videos are watched on Facebook daily.
  6. 96% of shoppers find videos helpful when making purchase decisions online.
  7. Video viewers on e-commerce sites are 1.6x more likely to buy than non-viewers. That’s a lot of extra sales!
  8. According to Cisco, video will represent 79% of global web traffic by 2018.
  9. In 1 minute 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube, and 323 days of video are viewed on Facebook.
  10. Why do we love video? There’s science behind why video works. The brainprocesses visuals 60,000x faster than text.
  11. Mobile video traffic will grow 14x by 2018. And smartphones and tabletsalready account for over a quarter of all online video viewing!
  12. 74% of B2C marketers and 92% of B2B marketers use video as a part of their marketing efforts.
  13. The majority of social media video sharing occurs on Facebook (59%). Twitter is a distant follower, making up 14% of sharing respectively.
  14. Video goes beyond making the sale: 93% of shoppers find video helpful for instructions after a purchase. Your customers look to video for support too!
  15. In online advertising, rich media ads are significantly more engaging. Rich media ads hit engagement rates of 16.85%, compared with 2.14% engagement rates for standard banners and 1.62% for mobile.

What am I personally doing?
I’m pushing my clients and myself to do more video marketing. And thus far, I have found it tremendously valuable.

In this short video, I explain why you should be STRONGLY considering doing the same.


Think about ways videos could help you connect better with your customers and prospects.

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