This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Dexter Patterson, and George B Thomas
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Don Stanley, Dexter Patterson, and George B Thomas
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it keeps bumping me out!
I can hear and see you but I keep getting bumped out. Let me try refreshing
I keep getting bumped out
Blab Help
We are getting knocked off our BLAB!!
@Blab we keep getting bumped out of our blab
What is this follishness lol I’m ready to Blab lol
Make sure you dont have a key stuck on your keyboard or something Don
nothing here G that could be causing it
This stinks
I’m going to quickly restart my browser
Come on @blab really?
Sorry everyone, blab is having an issue and keeps crashing. Argh
@Blab help where are you?
Homework??? I’m out.
One of my favorite books: “Thanks for the Feedback” The author suggests this question for getting constructive feedback: “What do you see me doing, or failing to do, that is getting in my own way?”
I’m with you Don!
Happy B Day too @oscarqna
Hey cool….my birthday too!
@oscarqna VERY cool! happy birthday buddy
All In Baby!
Grinding on Netflix & Chips! Sounds awesome!
@BillyBobBrigmon Army style!
Important point – busyness can be a form of procrastination.
The book @GeorgeBThomas just mentioned was “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters”
Amen Dexter! 3 little girls motivating me every minute!
@iSocialFanz I have 3 daughters and Dex has 4
@iSocialFanz So hear you!
@3rhinomedia wow thats almost worthy of another blab sometime… #Dad3+
that would be great … most important job in the world in my
Thanks George!
Risk vs Reward = It’s all about doing what makes you most comfortable!
And as @BillyBobBrigmon say be careful about busyness for the sake of busyness
Love it & love finding new people who inspire through actions..
@iSocialFanz AMEN!!!!!!!
But this is AMERICA
Too Many want to be Thought Leaders without any THOUGHT… epidemic right now!
@iSocialFanz Love that!
First Amendment… COme on Reality TV isnt even real
Thanks guys.. loving this show and message! Yes I try to share what I did and what I do… far from an expert
@iSocialFanz that’s what makes you an expert IHMO is you don’t think you are and you keep working at it
For those that want to earn marketshare for marketing consulting, it’s tempting to broadcast before they have mileage. Well said Thomas. Get some accounts and work!
@oscarqna #Truth!
#HubcastSwag for the win!
Every digital action you take is a piece of your digital story! Be strategic & Be Real!
@iSocialFanz maybe we can have you on as a guest for a future show about parenting and work balance. It might be like a therapy session haah
@3rhinomedia I like that idea!
@3rhinomedia you guys got me pumped this morning… you’re motivating me! and would be honored to be a guest for sure!
Don’t talk about it. Be about it!
ooh! I like those quotes @drpatterson2
@iSocialFanz Sweet! We’ll chat to talk deets. Would love to talk about dad stuff
Put up or shut up
@drpatterson2 #Preach
@realTLN WOW!
my biggest failure is losing 25 million dollars.. Best day of my life
@realTLN Oh my!!!
@GeorgeBThomas failure is the best lesson to succeed in life and everything else
Allways start at the end goal and work your way backwards to create your goals, then do your daily todo list.
@realTLN I like that!
AMEN! @realTLN start with the end in mind
Just can’t expect to be at the end right away!
I could not live like that. I like uncertainty.
@TomMarkham my brain works better with flexibility too
So many people allow their grind to be polluted by the need for instant gratification.
me too
Gotta grab my computer charger quick lol
same her
cant take life and its challenges too seriously… there are people getting BOMBED.. we are fortunate
if you like puzzles.. you can enjoy life
my Name is Carlos… I am following you all
@realTLN Excellent. Great to have you in Carlos and I’m following back
thank you
Life is rediculously short
Carlos thank you for your perspective today. I really appreciate it.
love the sitew
i had to fight to get fat
I am fat… but I was super healthy before
@realTLN but that’s temporary
homework: assess are you going to work every day and when you are working are you working and are you on purpose. If not, how can you get on purpose
ALSO .. ITs ok to be a spectator.. but do it passionately
Have a great weekend!
good one
@realTLN TY Carlos!
@fbowman TY Fran!
where is social media marketing world?
Thank you everyone!
@realTLN San Diego
grrr.. i am in NYC
Thank you, guys!
@WhatsThe411TV TY for joining in. Have a fantastic weekend
good show
you too
@realTLN I’m so jealous George is going
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