I recently had the pleasure of presenting to the Madison Dietetics Association at the American Family Insurance campus in Madison, Wisconsin. The people attending are a dedicated, passionate group who are smart, motivated and working to make a big difference in the state of Wisconsin. These are just my type of people.
However, one of the big challenges the attendees face is a challenge common to many businesses and business owners.
You see, communicating is a big part of what these folks have to do to get people (legislators, public opinion leaders, etc.) to care about their mission. However, very few are trained in how to effectively communicate, design and connect with key audiences.
So I was brought in to share my best “Do-It-Yourself” tips on how to create effective marketing materials. In other words, these folks wanted to learn how to have Rhino Results with quick, actionable, easy-to-implement tips (just the type of tips we love to share).
As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m a huge believer that if we have information that can improve the lives of others, we have an obligation to share that information so we can create as big of a difference as possible. What are the consequences if we don’t due this? We don’t make sales, we lose funding and often times, we go out of business.
Here is the slidedeck I shared with the attendees.